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30 Knots Wind Gusts - Crosswind Landings at Barcelona Airport (LEBL)
Approach in gusty winds BCN LEBL Boeing 737-800NG
Airbus A319-111 Easyjet Airline G-EZED crosswind landing at Barcelona-El Prat airport (LEBL)
Wind SPt gusting over 30kts
Landung Pennemüde EDCP runway 31 Wind left side 30 KT
Crosswind landing with 30 knots gusts | LevelUp 737-700 | Sam Seasons
Windy Barcelona Approach
Windy Landings in Barcelona
PSatB [EMIRATES A380] "COMES CLOSE TO YOU" (crosswind landing at Barcelona)
30 knots Crosswind Landing
Amazing crosswind landing!
Cessna landing in TNCM with 30 knots cross wind